Friday, June 8, 2007

The American Ju$tice System

I'm not someone that pays particularly close attention to celebrity happenings. However, this had to change the moment I read that Paris Hilton was released from jail, to serve out her already-reduced sentence in her home.

At first, I wanted to treat this as a big joke because I had a feeling that all Paris does is crave attention. But when you really get down into it, letting Paris serve her sentence at home, even though the judge for her case explicitly mentioned that she was not to serve her sentence on house-arrest, proves that the American Justice System is a joke. A system where fairness can be sold to whomever can pay the price.

Putting Paris back in jail, as was done today, gives me faith in the system again. I'm not for or against Paris being in jail, I'm for justice being done as it was intended when her sentence was given. Letting Paris go on house-arrest for something as ridiculous as, "mental anguish," is the equivalent of giving the statue of justice, blind and holding a scale, a sucker-punch in the gut.

This whole case has me torn. As I write this, on, there is a list of the most popular videos watched. Paris occupies the first 3 ranks, followed by a story about a murder in Kansas. On one hand, I'm glad this has national attention because justice shouldn't have a price, but on the other hand, I find it sad that we care more about a celebrity than news like a murder.

Look, all I want is for us to stop caring about Paris and for the American Justice System to stop tipping in favor of the highest bidder. Is that so much to ask for?

Link: story

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm.. you just gave Paris more attention by writing this article. haha... celebreties will always get tons of attention. maybe like you said more than the important things happening around us - very unfortunate but true.